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Finance is not merely about making money. It's about achieving our deep goals and protecting the fruits of the labor. It's about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society.

-  Robert J. Shiller

Face Mask


The Ascent Pinnacle team has interacted with investors - both mainstream and those into special funds from all over the world during the "lock-down phase" in order to assess their desire and inclination towards investing in the current economic scenario; whilst funder's requirements may have changed, sources of funding remain available with funds eagerly looking to invest into promising enterprises.

What remains clear is that the pain or otherwise being experienced by portfolio clients in Covid-19 times is the determinant of whether a fund is looking internally or for new investment opportunities.

Although it is encouraging that there are a sizable number of funds eagerly seeking to target the mid-market who are actively on a look out for new investments and believe that  the current environment has brought about new promising opportunities. In terms of solutions, some are seeking simply to provide bridging funding until the worst of Covid passes and are offering flexible leverage facilities with non-cash pay interest or margin or equity kickers. Whereas others are being opportunistic and looking to acquire controlling positions in heavily Covid impacted businesses which otherwise might not survive. Additionally, there are still many funds who are prepared to look at money out transactions across a variety of sectors and others whose focus remains on funding growth.

The private equity and leverage fund community is adapting in accordance to these unusual times. Funders are being far more flexible considering the current scenario and deviating from their usual investment policy in order to offer more flexible funding. By way of example, funds who have sought control positions are now open to making minority investments, similarly equity funds are prepared to offer short term leverage and family offices or evergreen funds are considering even longer hold periods.

The focal point of diligence has shifted more towards historic trading and market potential rather than hockey stick business plans. No sector, except that of retail seems to be a little appalling amongst those we have interacted with. However at the same time, some investors are enthusiastically seeking to invest in sectors which are particularly brought to a standstill by COVID like hotels and cinema assets.

If you are looking for funding to realize your investment, finance growth or simply seeking to bridge funding back to more normal times; we at Ascent Pinnacle know where to find you the capital.


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